Sunday Mornings
We worship at 9:30 am every Sunday in our sanctuary located at 2304 Alberni Highway in Coombs B.C.
You can also join us remotely online via zoom.
Please Contact Reverend Ed via email at reved@telus.net or complete the form below :
Bible Study
We believe that part of a healthy, growing spiritual life is to be engaged with others in studying the Bible. We offer ongoing studies online and in person.
Studies are typically between 4 to 8 weeks in length and meet one hour per week. We use an online study provider called Study Gateway and our church members have access to all of their studies and materials for their own personal use.
Please contact reved@telus.ca for additional information.
We have just completed our current study and are in the process of organizing a new topic. Check back for updates soon.
If you would like to be a part of our online group, please send an email to reved@telus.net
Part of what drives our congregation to be engaged in the wider community is inspired by John 1:14 “The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighbourhood ” (The Message Translation).
We believe that God meets us where we live, work, play, worship and go to school. We also believe that God calls us to make a difference in the lives of people in the communities and neighbourhoods where we live. As followers of Jesus, we are committed to reaching out with acts of compassion, love and grace; particularly to those who might be on the margins of our society or who are struggling in one way or another.
To those ends, we focus some of our outreach efforts in the Arrowsmith Elementary School where we provide funds to help with a lunch program for their students. We also provide food hampers and clothing for local families who have lost income due to the Covid 19 crises.
In addition, we actively support the Samaritan’s Purse global program called “Operation Shoebox” which brings joy and hope to millions of children in developing nations around the world.